Forest Fairy Friday

Happy Forest Fairy Friday!

Forest Fairy Crafts | fairy doll by Lenka Vodicka-Paredes | crafting with children

The last official fairy of summer for Forest Fairy Friday. An easy way to change colors for fairy clothing and hair is variegated/color changing thread and yarn. Fairies love how it looks fancy. We love how it makes looking fancy quite easy to accomplish β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

A Fairy Witch Giveaway


Forest Fairy Friday